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I have a lot of tips, probably share some similarities with other people here:

1. Drink a lot of water. Like, a lot. I aim for 1 gallon of water per day.

2. Don't drink calories. Water and La Croix are your friends

3. Intermittent fast. I don't eat from 8pm to noon the next day. It's easier than it sounds. After a week or two, your body will get used to it.

4. Your first meal after breaking your fast should be very filling but low calorie. I eat 3 eggs, 2 veggies (typically tomato + jalapeno/bell pepper), 1 avocado, a 100-calorie yogurt, and a protein shake. This will fill you up and its only around 500-600 calories.

5. On that note, focus on high-protein meals. These fill you up quickly and you stay full for longer.

6. Hot sauce is the secret. Hot sauce is low calorie (generally 0) and varies flavor substantially. Your budget for new hot sauces should be unlimited.

7. Limit eating out as much as possible. Not because you can't eat healthy while eating out, but you're introducing more room for error. Plus, restaurants vastly underestimate the amount of calories in their food.

8. Go for an afternoon walk. It's good for you mentally and physically.

9. Exercise is great for a lot of reasons. Of course it makes you feel great, but it also motivates you to eat healthy because you won't want to "waste" the hour you spent at the gym by eating unhealthy. It will not directly lead to weight loss, but burning 500 calories per day in a work out sure makes it easier.

10. Weight yourself every week. If you aren't making progress, diet harder. Weight loss is not a secret. You can be methodical about it.

11. If you need to snack throughout the day (which is normal), try to eat relatively healthy items. Beef jerky, protein bars, etc. Also, rice cakes. These fill you up but aren't high calorie. I like the Quaker cheddar ones.

12. Perhaps most importantly, try to stay busy throughout the day. When I'm not working or doing something is when I eat the most.

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