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The United States does not have chemical and biological weapons labs in Ukraine (twitter.com/statedept)
15 points by Jimmc414 on March 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

I'm guessing this declaration is in response to this -https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-demands-us-explain-biol...

Greenwald seems to be reading into her comment in an unsubstantiated way. I don't think you can call that a "confession."

Many countries have "biological research facilities." Militaries will, for defense research, but think of all the BSL-3 labs in universities. It's all inherently dual-use stuff.. there's legitimate reasons to study anthrax, but it also makes for a weapon.

What differentiates biological weapons stockpiles from research facilities is scale. Russia had massive amounts of anthrax in its Biopreparat facility. They claimed it was for research, but research doesn't require massive, industrial-scale incubators.

If Ukraine has those, they'll be found. If all Russia finds is a BSL-3 lab with a handful of petri dishes, that's nothing.

Yeah, I like Greenwald, but this is just bullshit. Of course Ukraine had some labs containing cholera, anthrax and other pathogens, every country with biology research labs would have them. To jump from that to say it's military research, and US military research to boot, is a huge stretch.

That said, this statement from the US State Dept also proves nothing.

Factcheck.org says it is false so there's that.


It’s completely settled. Greenwald is now an always-contrarian useful idiot to whoever wants to take down the western liberal order.

All his points are “US Democrats bad.” They are indistinguishable from Russian state propaganda. The dude is signal boosting Tucker Carlson while writing a book on “Securing Democracy” ffs (Tucker has agreed with self-proclaimed Monarchist/Dictatorship lover Mencius Moldbug on his show).

This Nuland-Rubio recording doesn’t imply anything like what he says it does. If he truly believes this, he has lost touch with reality. Probably by consuming internet media 24/7.

Saw a clip of an administration official who admonished a reporter for spreading misinformation for merely asking the question. But he never answered the question definitively. Before today I would have said the whole idea was preposterous, but now I do not know what to believe.

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