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Let's Spouge (theguardian.com)
36 points by flabber on March 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I like the sound, and the history.

But the name is really unfortunate, given a particular English slang word's identical pronunciation.

Look up the (possible) etymology for Jazz for a similar scenario.

Or the name of the Star Wars genre of music played in the Cantina in IV

You're thinking of "splouge" (too much).

Spouge is a genre of pop music that emerged in the 60's and 70's but which died away relatively quickly. It is enjoying a resurgence.

"[Jackie Opel] joined forces with the Troubadours, the house band of the Clyde B Jones funeral parlour." There's potential for at least one more newspaper feature, or streaming series, with this backstory.


I had the pleasure of working with John Spouge. Very nice guy with a superhuman ability to solve differential equations. Really astounding.

What does this have to do with the link?

The word “spouge” is in both “Let’s Spouge” and “Spouge’s Approximation”.

The link is about music, it has nothing to do with what you linked just because they share a word that jogged your memory.

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