I mostly do backend web stuff lately, but I'm versatile. I can (and would like to) do machine learning stuff. I wrote a classifier that's 99.96% accurate on comment spam, and 99.99% if configured to present a captcha when it's close.
Tools I'm good with include Clojure, Rails, Ruby, PostgreSQL, Javascript, Lua and Common Lisp. I've also written non-trivial things in Haskell, Python, Java, Scheme, C and C++. I know PHP fairly well if need be, but I'd rather not do projects that are mainly PHP unless the pay is really good. I'm interested in working with stuff not on this list as well, but can't promise expert-level performance on the first day.
It's live data from a guestbook[0], which was receiving an average of 8200 spam hits a day. There has been a slight decline in spam over the course of the past week or so - from 300/hour to about 250. In addition, there seem to be more coming in that link to unregistered nonsense domains. I've stopped those for the moment by displaying a captcha on all very short posts.
Are you part of lesseverything.com? It looks like it's two contractors who know each other working together, not the sort of outfit that wants to hire random strangers from the internet.
I mostly do backend web stuff lately, but I'm versatile. I can (and would like to) do machine learning stuff. I wrote a classifier that's 99.96% accurate on comment spam, and 99.99% if configured to present a captcha when it's close.
Tools I'm good with include Clojure, Rails, Ruby, PostgreSQL, Javascript, Lua and Common Lisp. I've also written non-trivial things in Haskell, Python, Java, Scheme, C and C++. I know PHP fairly well if need be, but I'd rather not do projects that are mainly PHP unless the pay is really good. I'm interested in working with stuff not on this list as well, but can't promise expert-level performance on the first day.
edit: zak.wilson@gmail.com