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In Germany too

AFAIK you can disable content filtering in settings in web or desktop version, though I am not sure if it also lifts regional legal restrictions.

Pavel Durov had a post on Telegram that he has some Ukrainian ties on his mother's side, he does not live in Russia anymore, does not employ any people in Russia, and cares now more than ever about privacy, yet, he blocked content, which means that Telegram is just another WhatsApp and Messenger. I'm not sure if he gets this - even Facebook did it better by only putting a big warning about the content, but not completely blocking it. Also, it would have been nice to cite the exact laws being violated, which, in this case, don't even exist! Taking sides on a platform, which only exists, because it claims to be neutral and censorship-free, is a recipe for disaster. I understand, he's probably trying not to get removed by the app stores.

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