I have the 2011 11" MBA (i5, 4GB, 128GB) and also the base 2011 15" MBP (i7, 4GB, 500GB). I can't justify keeping both, but I am really torn on which one I want to keep.
On the one hand, I love the portability and speed (due to the SSD) of the Air, and it feels almost like a desktop when it's plugged into the 20" monitor on my desk and connected to a USB keyboard and Magic Trackpad.
On the other hand, I really like the MBP's beefier CPU, discrete GPU, and much larger HDD; the Air's 128GB HDD really feels limiting to me (since photography is one of my hobbies). The HDD does make it feel a bit slower than the Air in some ways, though.
I'm looking to get rid of my desktop Windows PC since I don't use it very much anymore, so that leaves me with two options as I see them: either sell the MBP, keep the Air, and get a Mini for the extra space/network storage, or sell the MBA, consolidate everything into the MBP, and maybe upgrade it with a SSD and kit from OWC to replace the SuperDrive with the spare HDD.
I'm really not sure what the best way to go is, since I like both systems a lot for different purposes.
Why not buy a Thunderbolt external hard drive for your photography stuff? Do you need this data to be portable as well or could you live with it just at home?
I bought both last year in late 2010 when they came out. I really wanted to keep the 11 but the 13 was just a much better all rounder. I always wished I had kept the 11. But once you sit down at a desk, portability stops being an issue and you appreciate the extra screen size.
1 year later and I sold my 13 to buy the new 11. For some reason I again ordered both the 11 and 13 and now I still can't decide which one to keep. I really really want to keep the 11 but the smaller battery, very slightly slower processor, worse speakers and smaller screen keep putting me off. The price is almost identical (top 11 vs base 13). The extra portability just makes me want to forget about all these drawbacks.
I plugin to an external monitor at home anyway, but what about places where you need the screen size. Anyone done or seen anyone do a hackathon with the 11?
If they just dropped both models and brought out a 12.1" my life would be complete.
Agonized a bit and decided to run with a loaded 11".
Bought the new thunderbolt display to pair it up, so when I'm at home its amazing, but I can bring it everywhere with me and I don't feel like its too small to work.
It's hard to tell as at the same time of purchasing I upgraded to Lion, but I went from being able to code in a coffee shop for around 4 hours with the 2010 MBA to around 2.5 hours with the new i7 MBA 11.
On the one hand, I love the portability and speed (due to the SSD) of the Air, and it feels almost like a desktop when it's plugged into the 20" monitor on my desk and connected to a USB keyboard and Magic Trackpad.
On the other hand, I really like the MBP's beefier CPU, discrete GPU, and much larger HDD; the Air's 128GB HDD really feels limiting to me (since photography is one of my hobbies). The HDD does make it feel a bit slower than the Air in some ways, though.
I'm looking to get rid of my desktop Windows PC since I don't use it very much anymore, so that leaves me with two options as I see them: either sell the MBP, keep the Air, and get a Mini for the extra space/network storage, or sell the MBA, consolidate everything into the MBP, and maybe upgrade it with a SSD and kit from OWC to replace the SuperDrive with the spare HDD.
I'm really not sure what the best way to go is, since I like both systems a lot for different purposes.