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Purposely causing nuclear disasters is one way to ensure a country can never join NATO or the EU

Putin doesn't have to occupy the country to "win", all he has to do is set them back to the dark ages and make everyone (who can) flee.

He can't be allowed to get away with this. Ukraine needs a "no fly zone" ASAP

You realize that instituting a no fly zone means the US shooting down Russian aircraft, right? Which means a hot war between US/NATO and Russia. That is something that the US should absolutely not engage in, because the stakes at that point are the survival of the species, rather than just Ukraine.

We need to not normalize the idea of a no fly zone, no matter how gut wrenching watching this war gets.

Ukraine is already winning the war in all domains except air. Air support is all we need to have a clear win here. At this point NATO has a choice of engaging Russia at Ukrainian territory now, or at NATO territory later.

You're operating under an assumption that Putin will only use nuclear power if we cross some imaginary line. We analyze agreements, fine print, war conventions. Those things don't matter to him. If he feels he is losing this war he will threaten nuclear weapons anyway. He may threaten it if he doesn't get exactly what he wants. We need to stop normalizing the idea that there is some holy line which is we just stay away from bad things won't happen.

Putin just moves the line wherever he wants and you will keep dancing around it. This naive thinking really needs to die already.

As abhorrent as it sounds, if the Russian government authorizes use of nuclear weapons, it might only be exclusively to get Ukraine to surrender and end the war on Russian terms. I don't think their designs will be to go nuclear on rest of Europe.

That's just the nuclear salami method. Declare you're only using nukes locally and everyone else better not piss you off. Take that slice. Repeat.

Nuclear salami doesn't work on NATO territory, so we can assume that is an unlikely scenario... But, hey, what do you know... if Putin is really as unhinged as the Western media claims him to be. As for me, I can't bring myself to trust the Western media in the times of war. Not after the farce that was WMD.

A no-fly zone is no justification for nuclear escalation. Internationally, the only justification for a nuclear attack is in retaliation to another nuclear attack. That is it.

Putin has made it clear that he will also launch a nuclear attack in case of an "existential war", which means a war where Russia itself is being attacked with the purpose of conquering or destroying it.

A no-fly zone is not that. There is no reason for Russia to escalate to nuclear, except for Putin's vengeful ego. Because everybody knows that if Russia goes nuclear, it would be the end of Russia. Everybody in the nuclear chain of command knows this. Even if Putin is actually insane enough to order a nuclear attack (he might be, I don't know), anyone of any competence in the military will ignore those orders, because it would end their country and kill their family. (Although you could ask whether there is anyone of competence left in the Russian military; Putin seems to replace competents with loyalists, and the incompetent execution of the attack on Kiev doesn't inspire much confidence here.)

And if Putin's vengeful ego will make him order a nuclear attack, then losing this war will probably do that anyway, whether or not NATO or EU had anything to do with it. And there is no way Putin can win this war. Ukrainians have made clear that they will continue to fight, no matter what. If Kiev falls, they will continue to fight. Any city that Russia takes, will be Ukrainian again the moment they leave. For Ukrainians, there is no surrender possible to a man who wants to enslave them. If this war continues, it can only become a massacre. Putin would have to kill every single Ukrainian, and I'm starting to believe that he would. It would be another holocaust.

I think a no-fly zone is the only option.

> A no-fly zone is no justification for nuclear escalation.

Not directly, no - but by induction, probably.

NATO fighter jets attacking Russian aircraft & SAM sites would likely be used by Russia to justify strikes against the airfields those NATO planes operate from. So then you have Russia attacking airfields in NATO countries. Already that's terrifying because you have missiles launched by Russia flying at, say, Germany - and you don't know until they hit if they're nuclear, chemical, conventional, or what. Next step you probably have NATO counterstrikes on Russian land. That puts you right on the edge of nuclear scenarios very fast. No world leaders should even remotely be considering going there.

> Internationally, the only justification for a nuclear attack is in retaliation to another nuclear attack. That is it.

Neither the US nor Russia accept this premise.

> Putin has made it clear that he will also launch a nuclear attack in case of an "existential war", which means a war where Russia itself is being attacked with the purpose of conquering or destroying it.

Are you sure about that, to the point of risking the continuity of the species and all of our modern civilizations upon that? If one can claim that the Jewish population in Ukraine is actually Nazis and have many of their citizens believe it even as the economy is collapsing, i doubt that justifying even greater crimes against humanity or other horrible actions is out of the question.

It breaks my heart to see that bullies like Putin are allowed to largely get away with what's going on (apart from support for Ukraine by the international community, though that's essentially funding a proxy war and civilians and the culture at large will still suffer immensely), but you also have to understand the reluctance of other countries to escalate.

And to prevent anyone dismissing the above arguments due to my biases towards the western perspective, i've seen people on /r/russia attempt to justify their military's actions by recalling past actions of western regimes. Just to be clear, i condemn all actions like this, regardless by whom they're perpetuated: two wrongs don't make a right. Humanity should learn to talk, though i fear that there are irreconcilable differences as well.

I absolutely do understand the reluctance to escalate, and I share it. I don't want that war to escalate at all; I want to de-escalate. Away from bombing civilian targets.

And I understand that western countries are reluctant to impose a no-fly zone out of fear that Putin has gone insane and might resort to nuclear escalation, but I think the risk of him resorting to nuclear escalation already exists if he can't have his way with Ukraine. And there are a lot of Russians who strongly disagree with this war and would probably support a no-fly zone.

I fully admit that if Putin has indeed gone nuts and isn't merely playing games, then we have to trust the Russian military in control of the missiles to do the right thing, but I think that trust is also warranted; many Russian soldiers already don't want to fight, and I'm sure the more competent commanders are well aware that a nuclear attack would be suicide.

> And I understand that western countries are reluctant to impose a no-fly zone out of fear that Putin has gone insane and might resort to nuclear escalation

No, the fear is that Putin is basically sane and operating under something like normal great power expectations despite his crimes of aggression, and thus will not attack NATO countries for fear or nuclear retaliation, but will escalate against NATO countries if they intervene directly against him, potentially and quickly leading to nuclear war.

If they thought Putin was insane, the marginal risk between aiding Ukraine and intervening directly would be less, not more.

Putin has never claimed that the Jews in Ukraine are Nazis.

He is claiming that the Neo-Nazi units of the Ukrainian military operating in the south of the country, who harbor Nazi tattoos and whose flags represent the Black Sun and the rune used as the symbol of the "Das Reich" SS division, are probably Nazis. The Australian terrorist Brenton Tarrant mentioned, in his manifesto, that he had visited those guys.

Last year a UN resolution was motioned to condemn Nazism and Neo-Nazism. Only two countries voted against: the United States and Ukraine.

This doesn't justify any war of aggression, of course, but you cannot pretend that there is no Nazi problem in Ukraine either.

Of course he is not claiming that the Jews in the government in Kiev are Nazis, because that would be absurd, but it's pretty clear that they are tolerating Nazis in the military for very cynical reasons (they're actually very effective fighters and are employed to fight the separatists in the Donbass region).

This is bananas. They need our help.

We absolutely need to keep pushing for a no-fly zone and enforce it. This is now the world's war, and has reached far beyond the politics internal to Russia and Ukraine.

Yeah no, it would be bananas to engage Russia directly. We engaged in plenty of proxy wars during the Cold War, we never went direct.

> We engaged in plenty of proxy wars during the Cold War, we never went direct.

In fact, we went direct fairly regularly, but only in circumstances where we (or they, or, in a few cases both) maintained superficial (not always really plausible, as both sides would often protect the fiction to avoid escalation) deniability.

That is why, for instance, radio intercepts of North Korean pilots in the Korean War showed they tended to switch from Korean to Russian a lot under stress.

Haha interesting! I thought that we usually stopped at providing weapons, training, etc. I wonder if there’s something similar possible here.

If RF will blow up nuclear reactor, Ukraine and EU will be uninhabitable, but USA will be safe.

> Purposely causing nuclear disasters is one way to ensure a country can never join NATO or the EU

Why? Nuclear disaster is bad, but how would it ensure that a country can _never_ join NATO or the EU?

Ukraine already had the Chernobyl disaster on their soil, and I don't see that one as keeping them out of either organisation _forever_.

>> Purposely causing nuclear disasters is one way to ensure a country can never join NATO or the EU

> Why? Nuclear disaster is bad, but how would it ensure that a country can _never_ join NATO or the EU?

> Ukraine already had the Chernobyl disaster on their soil, and I don't see that one as keeping them out of either organisation _forever_.

And didn't the EU pay a lot of money to help them build a new containment building for it?

It's a bizarre leap to say a nuclear disaster would disqualify a country from joining NATO or the EU.

Even though it was on Ukrainian soil, still: USSR had Chernobyl disaster, not Ukraine. It’s one of the reasons Ukraine separated from USSR.

I suspect that legally speaking Ukraine is one of the successor states of the USSR?

Doesn't matter too much for the point I made in any case:

If a nuclear disaster were to happen in Ukraine now, NATO and EU would also not blame it on Ukraine.

So, USA used nukes 2 times, while USSR blow up 1 nuclear reactor.


If you want to count it like that:

Both USA and USSR nuked themselves a whole lot more when testing nuclear weapons. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_weapons_tests

gp was saying that if you blow up the country enough, there's no country left to join NATO.

If they ride up to aspirant stairs with the EU, soon there would be a country again rising of the ashes.

EU is no elixir, though.

That's a fair point in general. Exploding all nuclear reactors in Ukraine isn't going to do that though.

And, of course, Russia could do much blowing up with conventional weapons, too.

Just one nuclear reactor can be used to create continent wide Red forest. Chornobyl disaster was just an incident without evil intent. Small fraction of nuclear fuel was released into atmosphere. With evil intent, much larger percent of nuclear fuel can be turned into thin dust and released into atmosphere. Larger reactors contain much more nuclear fuel. With evil intent, much more radioactive elements, such as radioactive iodine or radioactive noble gases, can be breed in reactor before blow up. With evil intent, safety systems can be disabled to produce maximal amount of dangerous elements. Depending on time given for preparation and technique used, it can be from 1 Fukushima to 10k Chornobyls. If NATO will give initiative to Russians, they can blow up reactor in good weather, so RF will not be affected, but EU will gone.

Maybe. I am sure you can do more damage, if you optimize for that, than an accident would do.

However: for a nuclear power like Russia, blowing up nuclear reactors only makes sense if they can make it look like an accident.

Otherwise: just use your nukes.

Putin might nuke Warsaw an hour after the no-fly zone is imposed. He's that crazy.

No he isn’t, then he’d be at war with at least 3 other nuclear powers. You know Poland is both EU and NATO right?

He has a difficult time winning the war already, he’d never be able to win if he pulls in more countries.

In the meantime I fear he is indeed that crazy. He repeatedly stated that his goal is to wipe out Ukraine at any costs. He is a like a little child that doesn't get his way and then blindly hits at everything in his reach.

It is a political move to appear that crazy.

Russia is desperate to deter EU/USA from involving itself more in the war, and the only way it can do that is by treating to escalate to nuclear war.

But that threat is only effective if people actually think that you will do it, so they must play this so that they seem crazy enough to start a nuclear war.

It's a bit like someone blackmailing you for money for something illegal you did together, only way to get you to pay is to show that they are really willing to expose your secrets, even if they might be exposed also. And once you believe them and start paying they will continue to demand money from you.

Can you post a link to a video him saying that, I never heard it

Would also be curious to see that video as it'd be very damning. Else it's just more Fake News, just from the other side this time.

As always, apply the Falsifiability principle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability

One occasion was the latest phone call with Emanuel Macron (French President) Putin stated:

> the Kremlin said that Mr. Putin had told his French counterparty

> that his main goal was “the demilitarization and neutral status of Ukraine.”

> Those goals, the Kremlin said, “will be achieved no matter what.”

The only English source I could find quickly was this:


What does crazy mean? Irrational? I don’t think so. He is currently following the Nash equilibrium strategy for fighting a war with a non-nuclear power.

Edit: by your terminology I would consider Ukrainians to be crazy. This a good thing and the reason why I’m rooting for them. They’re the underdog. The rational thing for them to do was to capitulate as soon as the invasions started. It takes a “crazy” level of conviction to the do the irrational thing here.

No, capitulation would be irrational, because it would mean they would be controlled and enslaved by Putin. Ukraine has lived under that yoke before, and will do everything possible to prevent it from happening again. There is no surrender possible for them, and that's why Putin cannot possibly win this war.

The only rational response to that would be a nuclear attack on Moscow. Likely, though, he just wants to make you think he’s that crazy. Madness is a major component of MAD.

Indeed. A responsive deterrent is only a deterrent if you believe the other person will absolutely, 100%-of-the-time, without-blinking-an-eye execute the strike.

If you think they might not, because ethics and morals, then the deterrent's value is discounted by your percentage of doubt.

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