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Ask HN: Can I respond to an old Ask HN?
1 point by gkk on March 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I bookmarked a while ago this thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29606476 with the intent, that if I'm going to Munich again, I'd maybe propose meeting up for lunch (I have bit of a similar background as the OP).

I'm going to Munich next week and wanted to follow up on my idea. Responding to that old thread seems to be disabled (HN policy?). Can I resurrect commenting or reach out to OP somehow?

All threads on HN become closed to comments after some period of time (10 days?).

There's no way of directly contacting a HN user unless they post contact information in their profile.

In any case, the author of that post hasn't posted any stories or comments since then, so they may have left HN entirely.

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