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As a reference, folks that fly quadcopters, drones and flying wings often will transmit at 1 to 2 watts of power using line of sight. (Yes, at the edge of legal.) .02 watts is an insignificant amount of power for radio transmission.

It’s not edge if legal if you are a licensed ham operator. Then could fly with more than a thousand watts!

Of course you’d have a little problem with the battery :-)

I think it's much more fair to compare EIRP to EIRP, I don't know the gain of this crazy foil dish but it's probably pretty high. FPV is way harder since you can't use a highly directional transmit antenna and you're weight and size constrained, so you usually have dinky <3dB transmit gain and have to make up for it with big radio amplifiers.

Given a good control link such as ExpressLRS [0], people can also fly quadcopters 10+ kilometers on as little as 10 mW. See for example the range competition at [1].

Of course, the VTX is usually a different matter..

[0]https://www.expresslrs.org [1]https://www.expresslrs.org/2.0/info/long-range/

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