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Good question. So as I see it: something that's about generative behaviours. For example: The rules that describe the dynamics of generative systems like Collatz (n%2==0 ? n' = n/2 : n'=3*n+1) there's specific integers that make it work while for a Lorenz attractor you'd have three floats that could take different initial values. That would be a conversation about "meta-dynamics".

Or maybe, what changes are behind systems that change?

ngl I am also curious about meta-dynamic information and I do not think this response helped me understand the definition much.

Do you mean the rules for Collatz are the meta-dynamic information? because from the rules we can generate additional information dynamically?

Are you able to describe it a different, less mathematical, way maybe?

for example, can meta-dynamic information be observed by seeing the way someone jumps up and down?

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