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Someone should make a list of websites and services that ban users based on ethnicity/nationality. I for one, will stay away from services like namecheap (I am neither Russian nor Ukranian), simply because this doesn't help anyone, but will be used as justification by the pro-Putin guys.

I'm curious what it's going to look like 40-60 years from now then the US finally fractures.

All the Americans in here who think this could never be our problem are 100% wrong.

Just reading an interesting SF novel (Ken Macleod's Beyond the Hallowed Sky) where one of the geopolitical plot points is that America has returned to democracy (although still having a substantial crazy demographic).

Oh, that looks interesting. Space operas aren't normally my thing, but I'm a sucker for multiple POVs/story threads.

(I'm just on HN for the book recs. I'm using you all. Sorry.)

As somebody who works in politics, I'd say that everywhere has a substantial crazy demographic and one of the fundamental problems any governing system has to address is what to do with them. (And of course, that's assuming they can all agree on which demo are the crazy ones...)

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