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Sweden to send 5000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (ukrinform.net)
24 points by belter on Feb 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Meanwhile Finland's Red-Green government oppose military aid to Ukraine. They send tent poles and slightly used underwear instead.

"We have none to spare", says the foreign minister from the Green Party. https://www-aamulehti-fi.translate.goog/uutiset/art-20000086...

BTW. There are millions of slightly used and crooked AK-47s stock-piled all around. It is the last-ditch weapon of Finland. Those are to be distributed among civilians when the land is occupied. Very suitable solution to Ukraine too, methinks.

They finally heeded my advisement and send now 2500 Valmet AK-47s and 1000 bazookas.

Go Finland! /Swede

In their defense they are right on the side of the raging bear

Agreed. The dynamics for Finland are very complicated here. And “none to spare” when this close to the raging bear could be very true. I don’t mean to imply Russia is about to attack Finland - I have no idea what’s next. It just wouldn’t be crazy for the government there to be asking themselves how prepared they need to be rather than sending aid away from home.

There was also an issue about Russian howitzers bought from (East) Germany. Finland gave them to Estonia as military aid.

Estonians tried to send them to Ukraine, but Green-Reds from both Germany and Finland opposed this.

Is there any man-portable anti-aircraft missile?

Hm, based on wikipedia research, there aren't any good high altitude MANPADS against modern air force fighters/bombers.

I wonder if you can do floating balloon/drone wire nets that could mess up fighters? Air superiority is really the hardest thing for guerrillas to fight against.

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