It's a real shame to see an American Hero like him forced into Exile. I really hope someone has the decency to call off the dogs, and let him come home.
He broke the law. He fled the country to avoid the rule of law. He sought refuge in a country run by a criminal syndicate that is presided over by a madman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." — Not Thomas Jefferson
Snowden would have been complicit in his employer's malicious activities if he had not blown the whistle. I wish more people in his position (in the US, Russia, and everywhere else) would be as brave as he was. Nobody should just obey the law or follow orders. That's what made all the greatest atrocities in our history possible.
Regardless, there is no 'rule of law' when the government sees you as its enemy.
He didn't want to stay in Russia at all. He was enroute to Ecuador, which had issued him an emergency safe travel document, when the US canceled his passport and stranded him in Moscow.
makes you wonder how bad a country has to be in order to force one to go to "another country run by a criminal syndicate" just to expose shit that should never happen. It's the spiderman triple meme all along.
He spent a couple weeks saying that the Biden administration was predicting an invasion that wasn't going to happen as a way of distracting from other problems, e.g.