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I don't have any personal experience with politicians.

But it all sounds very familiar when reading it as "Psychiatry and Architects (or any other technical persons voted into power by management)".

I have some experience. During college I had an internship with a county planning agency. I was staffing the welcome table where they hand out nametags at a conference the agency was sponsoring.

A smartly dressed woman walked up to me and said nothing. I welcomed her and asked what her name was so I could give her a nametag. She gave me a weird look, then stepped back and conferred with what looked like a retinue. I heard her say, "Who is that there?" (referring to me) "What is going on here?"

My supervisor rushed up and saved the day, handing her the appropriate nametag and explaining that I was an intern. Turns out she was some elected county official. Of course I should have known her name.

This was a county, the little leagues.

Yes and no. County politics and politicians can be a little unintuitive. Because there’s almost no reporting of things that get done by county government - and there’s so little accountability, compared to city state and fed, an unbelievable amount of corruption and patronage occurs. Therefore personal connections are more important and ego plays a disproportionate role (where the baseline is already overinflated egos).

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