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Computer chip industry begins halting deliveries to Russia due to US sanctions (washingtonpost.com)
10 points by carlycue on Feb 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This is a good step. Russia has tried manufacturing chips in the past, completely failing[0] to produce even fairly rudimentary 28nm CPUs. Cutting off their access to first-world manufacturers would kneecap their ability to scale up their current hardware, and force them to use homemade hardware that's 5-10 years behind the curve of what's readily available today. Technology is only a portion of this battle, but the move to cut them off is undeniably a smart one.

[0] https://www.tomshardware.com/news/russias-biggest-bank-tests...

Doesn't this just hurt the people on the ground. I'm sure the top brass can find their way around it.

In addition, the way this way this sanction is applied demonstrates that the United States doesn't respect private property rights.

“Computer chip industry”?

I don’t see China doing any of the sort.

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