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You can keep swallowing whatever garbage your propaganda ministry is selling you. The rest of the world knows the truth.

Yes the "rest" of the world knows the "truth". It's just a matter of defining what "the rest" and "truth" mean. In the context of the modern Axis of Evil also known as Five Eyes the "truth" is whatever the propaganda machine releases to its mass audience of intellectually handicapped people.

The "truth" were the "weapons of mass destruction" where the Allies killed over 550k children only in Iraq, not counting Syria, Libya, Afghanistan. Quiet an achievement in just twenty years. Let's not talk about killing children in Serbia in 1999, keeping Cuba isolated for over fifty years, having English aristocracy go on man-hunts in Africa in the 1980s... "truth" is a very funny word nowadays.

Ukraine is not a western country, not a part of any pact, not a part of EU. No western country is protecting Ukraine.

How things that West done are somehow connected to Putin’s desire to challenge the sovereignty of his neighbor?

Don’t live in black and white world with good guys and bad guys.

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