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Other question would be whether enforcement could be automated, perhaps via alexa attached to an aws service which could predict whether one would speak in such a manner, allowing for the prosecution of thought crimes

Brilliant idea. Let us start with microphones everywhere, then AI to predict wrongthink. We might as well put e-collars on people so that they can be punished instantly -- it's more economical that way. And/or you can freeze people's bank accounts for wrongthink.

Ah, we're at the dawn of a new age in freedom. Freedom from bad thoughts. There will only be good thoughts. And the primary good thought will about our leader's greatness.

Why go with a collar when you can go with a direct brain implant? We shant need to punish someone for thinking incorrectly, we can prevent the thought from ever occurring in the first place.

And bank accounts? Where we are going, we won't even get to choose what to eat for dinner (for climate and equality reasons), let alone have private resources.

Wow, thank you for showing me the error of my ways. Where do I line up for this brain implant??

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