Have you written about this anywhere? I'm sure TimescaleDB would love to signal boost that post, and I separately would love to read about how you have it set up and the nitty gritty of the setup.
How are you dealing with backups/WAL and general DB administration? Are you using Timescale Cloud?
Not OP but I run a Timescale instance with the same order of magnitude inserts/sec and have been running it for about 2 years now. The database is closing in on 1 TB on disk. We don't use Timescale Cloud, we just host it on a VM in Google cloud with 8 CPU's and 32 gigs of ram, which seems adequate for now. We do WAL backup using the WAL-G tool which backs the db up to google storage.
Thanks so much for this. 2 years at that insert speed only being about 1TB of data is fantastic.
I've also had many discussions on backups (Barman, backrest, Wal-E/G) etc and always feel like I have to look it up afresh every time to get myself back up to speed on which one I should be using.
Ya the backup solutions are complicated. I don't even remember the differences between those different tools. All I remember is that I spent about a day researching the tools and determined that Wal-G was the best one to use for our use case.
Thanks for going into the nitty gritty, super helpful to know what your setup is like.
In the I’ve had terrible experiences with on-demand IOPS but now I feel like even 1000 provisioned (the least you can get) is too much for the workload I was running… the app was mostly idle but had bursts that would overwhelm
How are you dealing with backups/WAL and general DB administration? Are you using Timescale Cloud?