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Show HN: Net – Organize your bookmarks as Kanban boards (netaver.se)
4 points by kevin_hu on Feb 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Hello HackerNews! We're excited to introduce Net, a place for all your links.

Net is a simple, beautiful way to save and share links. Net is perfect for research, collecting ideas, and bookmarking your favorite articles.

With Net, you can:

-Save links for later

-Organize links into Kanban boards

-Share links with friends

-Search your links

-And more!

We hope you enjoy Net!

This looks pretty interesting but it doesn’t look like you can selfhost it?

hello~! one of the creators here. we considered this but it was a tradeoff between that and the social/collaboration features we wanted to build and are continuing to build. We're going to try and remediate some of these concerns by making it easy to import and export links in a standard format

thanks for the explanation. I guess I see zero use-cases for social features of a bookmark manager.

The GUI is fire but without being able to host myself (or it being open source), I unfortunately won’t use it.

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