I've paid for a SEO provider through a new outsourcing network that was mentioned here in HN few months ago.
The provider asked $700 for getting within top 10 with 2 - 3 months for one of our site. We are not even closer to that spot after 5 months, so I emailed the network support and asked their advice on this situation. They take the position that SEO cannot be guaranteed either results nor deadline. And I should wait longer or otherwise pay 75% of the initial amount. For me it doesn't seem fair, had the person told me this before I wouldn't have paid this much money.
Now they have my money and not willing to say even an approximate deadline.
I initially thought the network would take a neutral position in disputes like this.
Am I ripped off?
I'd be interested in the changes to your site, your data architecture and your content that they have suggested because, if that's not how they've worked, you've at best (or worst) engaged a bunch of black hat SEOs whose actions may cause you extreme pain down the line. At worst (or best, depending) you've engaged people who have taken your money for no action, but at least there's no reputational damage.
If you /have/ had proper engagement from the firm, you will probably have derived value from their work in the areas I mentioned above, regardless of your SERPS position.