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[flagged] Why you should switch to Brave from Google Chrome (requestly.io)
11 points by retromania on Feb 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

The built-in AdBlocker in Brave is based on AdBlock Plus, so it is not as powerful as uBlock Origin.

In addition, there are some concerns about privacy, such as the following, which was previously covered by Hacker News.

Brave, the false sensation of privacy


Furthermore, people who value privacy are probably averse to virtual currency, which is a hotbed of environmental impact, money laundering, and fraud, so I don't think Brave is an option for them, as they can't completely turn off (or hide) the virtual currency feature.

> The built-in AdBlocker in Brave is based on AdBlock Plus, so it is not as powerful as uBlock Origin.

This is not accurate. Brave's adblocker has compatibility with most uBlock Origin rules as well as ABP syntax (uBO is also based on AdBlock Plus syntax and extends its feature with custom additions).

You can choose not to use the coin part and use only the browser as i have been using for several years now

I have zero faith in Brave anymore after using it for about ~4 months last year. I couldn't remove cookies that had been surreptitiously set unbeknownst to - and unapproved by - me. I assume this was a bug, and it clearly is, but after seeing this GH issue:


It's clear Brave doesn't give a shit about user privacy, just the illusion thereof to lure people. So I avoid it now and given their lackluster response to this serious issue (dude, over a year and a half? what the hell!?), I trust them no more than Google or Facebook.

Besides, coming from the guy who invented JavaScript doesn't exactly _add_ to its technical credibility...

This just further underscores the dire need for a good desktop browser experience that's actually trustworthy and not horribly mismanaged. Lookin' at you, Mozilla.

Useful, accurate article. Sometime in 2020 I started using Brave as my default browser on the suggestion of a more-privacy-concerned engineer and it definitely saves a lot of resources over Chrome. I was tethering via my phone most of the time and definitely recommend it generally based on the experience. Brave search I haven't found to be as effective as the article suggests, but can take another look and will be curious to see how that effort goes--it seems promising.

ive never used brave, quick question. how good are the developer tools? are they the exact same as chrome?


I trust google more (not a lot, but more) than a shitcoin advertising startup.

Or just hop over to Firefox.

Yes, but remember to disable all their data gathering schemes in Settings.

For sure, about:config and disabling all the telemetry and whichever other tedious jargon the mozilla marketing team has come up with this week, is a must

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