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We make 6 figures and live paycheck to paycheck... but only because I am socking away so much money into stock purchases, 401k, HSA, etc.

This isn't a very good metric for determining financial health.

If you have a significant rate of positive saving/investment from income surplus to current consumption, you are not living “paycheck to paycheck”.

If it's going into restricted accounts like 401ks and HSAs you could be putting away a lot and still very literally be pay check to paycheck for your monthly expenses.

I'm not sure if that's how I would have responded to this survey based on the wording of the question.

I think the term is widely enough understood that most people would understand it, but I also will agree that reliably measuring facts other than the fact of the popularity of opinion by a one-question survey that does nothing to confirm a common understanding of the question is very much unreliable.

That's not living paycheck to paycheck, that's called a balanced budget.

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