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The article mentions the nuisance caused by darkstores, but does not go in depth. I've recently came across a small instagram [0] that details some of these. I want to mention some of the nuisances.

Especially in Amsterdam the infrastructure in neighbourhoods is not suitable, the stores need to re-up their supply many times a day (10-15 times), leading to (bike) traffic build up in the often narrow streets [1][2].

They also supply in the weekend, which goes against local ruling on when business can load/offload (generally not in the weekend).

Their scooters and bikes take up a lot of space on sidewalks as well, which normally was used by residents only.

[0]: https://www.instagram.com/stopdarkstoreswoonwijk/ [1]: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZhHWrHo61n/ [2]: https://www.instagram.com/p/CW_BFtdDHIz/

This is also an issue with Gorillas in Berlin. There's a dozen deliverers blocking the sidewalk in front of the store.

However the bigger problem everyone talks about is their appalling work conditions and how they squashed the attempt to unionize.

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