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Biden his time: how the US president is failing on the climate crisis (theguardian.com)
5 points by kitkat_new on Feb 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Honestly, after that report in which they caught the Exxon-Mobile exec talking about all the dem congress members they had in their pockets, I knew nothing would get done.


Climate crisis? It's an open question whether he can fill a Supreme Court seat right now... Although this is providing the Us-ians with an excellent tutorial on a minority government.

I suppose this is the greatest problem with the Democratic party, is that they are nothing but a bunch of various political groups cobbled together. If Biden tries to appeal to the moderates, he isn't doing enough for the progressives. And if he tries to appeal to the progressives, then he alienates the moderates. It seems his strategy so far has been to talk the progressive talk, but walk the moderate walk, and it doesn't strike me that it's working particularly well considering the polls.

The Republicans have this problem to an extent as well, but it seems that the various wings of the party have much less of a problem "falling into line". Whereas the modern progressive insistence on ideological purity makes party cohesion much harder for the Democrats.

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