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Telegram: Where women's nudes are shared without consent (bbc.co.uk)
4 points by loriverkutya on Feb 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Appalling that Telegram is failing to act on reports of some of this content. I can’t imagine the trauma some of the women in the report have endured. We need lawmakers to force platforms to take much more responsibility for content. I’d be curious to see how quickly they tackle blatantly illegal content if the laws were strong enough to put the business’s survival at risk.

>> Telegram did not confirm if posting people's intimate images without consent is allowed on the platform, or whether they are removed.

Incredible that they couldn’t answer this.

It is very disappointing but I am not exactly sure why Telegram should be held accountable. I understand Telegram facilitates this behaviour, but I think we should be prosecuting the offenders.

You can also print and mail (physically) revenge porn pictures of your ex-girlfriend to their parents and coworkers. Does that mean your country's postal system should open and inspect every single letter they handle? Not only this is a gross violation of privacy, but this is also logistically unfeasible. UK's Royal Mail would probably have to hire 20 times its current workforce, and they would still face significant delays.

But again, I am 100% for putting the people who share revenge porn in jail. There is no excuse for exposing someone's naked body without their consent to strangers.

This might apply for one to one messages but not for groups. With post only the sender and receiver see the content. With Telegram you can broadcast to thousands in a public group - in this case the content is visible to Telegram without having to “open your post” so to speak.

That is a fair take. Public groups and channels I would agree with being monitored, as long as there are court orders and a cooperation with the police.

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