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I’d tend to say no with a caveat.

Points and counterpoints typically both appear in full opacity, meaning multiple viewpoints and perspectives are being upvoted (or at least not downvoted).

I also don’t see a lot of bandwagon comments, which is nice. On Reddit you’ll see one point of view and then an entire comment thread reinforcing, praising or doubling down on the original point. That feels more like an echo chamber.

That said, the HN demographics are probably majority 20-40yo US-based males interested in tech and startups. That in and of itself will create at least some echo chamber effect as we almost certainly don’t adequately represent the demographic of any state or country, or the world.

That said for a relatively homogeneous demographic compared to the world as a whole I think multiple viewpoints are encouraged and respected to a degree I don’t see on other public discussion boards.

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