Well, it's always been possible to see if someone has defriended you. Just search for their name, or click it on someone else's wall post, or whatever.
On the other hand, the idea that facebook will deliberately remind you of people with whom you were once and no longer are friends (for whatever reason) seems unnecessary.
Oh wait, I just read alexdias's comment that they've already fixed this. Never mind then.
Exactly. If I look at the recommended friends page, people who defriended me are often near the top (probably because of the high number of mutual friends).
Can't you already do that? Just look through your wall posts and other activity, and find people that interacted with you. Either they're your friend, or they're not. Is the point of this article that Timeline just makes it easier?
Some people have friended you in the past but have never interacted with you (so there won't be any posts or other activity on the wall). Yes, Facebook automatically posts that 'Sue is now friends with Joe' on your wall but that gets removed when someone defriends you.
Not that big of a deal. I thought at first the article was implying it would tell you when you were defriended, which would be slightly more... irritating.
hm, if the only way to find out that someone de-friended you is to see it in your timeline, may be this "friend" is not really a friend for you anyway?
UPDATE: Apparently Facebook fixed this “problem” already. Major bummer. This was one of the best parts about the new Timeline!