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Big companies “net zero” claims are inaccurate according to a new analysis (newclimate.org)
4 points by giuliomagnifico on Feb 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

There is only so much these companies can do, it would be a competitive disadvantage to take these pledges seriously. It would involve a lot of costly research and development. Carbon offsetting is not effective, but it solves the problem on paper.

Governments don't take this seriously either, they are the ones that should come up with and mandate effective solutions, but those would not be popular. We are addicted to growth.

So instead we all die. Thousands of years of human civilization down the drain.

Your “optimism” make me think only on Elon Musk and another planet where humanity will live.

Anyway should exist more severe rules about these claims.

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