> asking the hard question... how does it stand up to the unpleasant cases?
It's the best tool I know of for a certain class of problem, that's all I'm claiming. Not evangelizing it as a magical cure-all for all domains, just explaining it in enough detail that it can be understood by someone outside the domain of gaming.
> what about when the abstractions age and a new feature for a system needs the data from the components from another system?
> the long term answer is probably a refactor, but what's the common quick fix? copying/duplicating data between component types? systems that examine other components as well as their native ones? merging systems?
I apologize if I gave the impression that things are so tightly coupled that a system owns a component or vice versa. (Though if I had to pick one, it'd be that components have associated systems)
In reality your components are just plain structs, and any systems that want access can query for entities based on any combination of components. (and good ECS impls allow for exclusion as well)
For instance I mentioned a Position component. This would be used by a movement system that checks for (Position, Velocity). It would also be used by a rendering system, which could query for (Position, Mesh) or (Position, Sprite) as appropriate. It could be used for collision by querying for (Position, Bounds).
If later you want to unload entities that are too far away from a player, you could perform two queries: (Player, Position) and (Position), filter out entities in the second query that are within n units of an entity in the first query, and then despawn what remains.
No existing data or systems need to change to allow multiple systems access to the same data. The only thing that might change is if the engine provides automatic parallelization, and you have two systems that mutate the same data, you may need to define an explicit ordering for them and they would not run simultaneously. If you don't need explicit ordering you may not even need a code change in this case.
In the spirit of what you're asking though, let's say you've been making a tile-based game where the player can move between discrete spaces like in chess, but you decide you'd rather have free movement like Mario. Your Position component uses integers instead of floating point values and you don't want to change your world's scaling. Here you have a few options:
0. You could just bite the bullet and change the types on the Position component to floats instead of ints, and let your type system guide you to any errors. Then you run your test suite again and make sure that everything is still behaving as expected. I'd also plan on creating several new tests based on analyzing existing uses of Position. And of course play your game again to make sure it feels right.
1. You can store the fractional position in a separate component, PositionFraction, and create/update systems as needed. Movement would need to be updated to look for (Position, PositionFraction, Velocity) and rendering would need to be updated to look for (Position, PositionFraction, Sprite). Meanwhile pathfinding could still just look for (Position, Goal).
2. You can create a second component that holds the full float value called PositionFine. Like above you update the systems that care about fine-grained positioning to use PositionFine instead of Position. Then you create a system to update Position based on PositionFine's value or vice versa, and log anytime there's a discrepancy. Once you're confident that you can drop Position, you replace every use with PositionFine. Rename afterward as desired.
If I'm changing the meaning of an existing component like this, #0 would be my strong choice, but if the game is already in production and the migration needs to go over super smoothly I'd consider #2 as well. In particular you can treat the existing logic as the source of truth, but run the new logic side-by-side and log out any variation between the two for analysis before flipping the switch and preferring the new logic.
However if the new data is purely additional and makes sense being split off from the existing data, then #1 is the solution to use. Think migrating from displaying usernames over players' heads to letting them choose a custom name. You still need the username for authentication, save games, friends lists, and the like. But a new component for the display name lets you reference that when it makes sense.
thanks for humoring me! i'm writing because i'm genuinely interested.
so it seems like then, that the discipline in building a system in this fashion revolves around responsibility for updates (which system is the sole updater of a given type of component) and the sequencing of those systems (ensuring that all the systems that update components that are used by a given system have completed their updates, possibly with some sort of record level update indication that allows for downstream systems to begin processing before upstream systems have completed all their records).
do any of the ecs libraries provide facilities for these problems, or are they typically built into a game engine framework?
That’s a very good question, because sequencing tends to be the place where implementations vary the most.
Usually there will be some way to sort systems into steps and define the order of those steps. Some require you to hardcode the order, others define constraints like “after input” or “before physics” and attempt to solve those constraints, and some let you define groups that can run together and you define the order of the groups. Explicit signaling is not typically built in, but you may be able to implement it yourself if desired.
In environments with an expressive type system, most tend to favor the constraints model. Otherwise ordering tends toward the hardcoded approach, typically implicitly in registration order.
As to managing what systems are responsible for updating a given component’s state, that tends to be left to the game developer.
Sometimes there is a concept of events and if it’s not obvious who should mutate something then systems that want to mutate will send events that later systems can consume. For instance an input system and an AI system might both send a Move(entity, direction) event that a later system validates and applies.
And because it’s cute to do so, often times those events will be implemented as components themselves, with convenience wrappers to make it feel more natural to end user developers. This can come in handy for networked games and debugging in editor. You could also use it in game, such as displaying a unit’s next planned move in a turn-based game.
in the automatic constraint solver variants (which is more interesting to me) are the schedules static (precomputed at compile time) or do they run as a dynamic scheduler of sorts and are the constraints statically checked for deadlock ahead of time?
It's the best tool I know of for a certain class of problem, that's all I'm claiming. Not evangelizing it as a magical cure-all for all domains, just explaining it in enough detail that it can be understood by someone outside the domain of gaming.
> what about when the abstractions age and a new feature for a system needs the data from the components from another system?
> the long term answer is probably a refactor, but what's the common quick fix? copying/duplicating data between component types? systems that examine other components as well as their native ones? merging systems?
I apologize if I gave the impression that things are so tightly coupled that a system owns a component or vice versa. (Though if I had to pick one, it'd be that components have associated systems)
In reality your components are just plain structs, and any systems that want access can query for entities based on any combination of components. (and good ECS impls allow for exclusion as well)
For instance I mentioned a Position component. This would be used by a movement system that checks for (Position, Velocity). It would also be used by a rendering system, which could query for (Position, Mesh) or (Position, Sprite) as appropriate. It could be used for collision by querying for (Position, Bounds).
If later you want to unload entities that are too far away from a player, you could perform two queries: (Player, Position) and (Position), filter out entities in the second query that are within n units of an entity in the first query, and then despawn what remains.
No existing data or systems need to change to allow multiple systems access to the same data. The only thing that might change is if the engine provides automatic parallelization, and you have two systems that mutate the same data, you may need to define an explicit ordering for them and they would not run simultaneously. If you don't need explicit ordering you may not even need a code change in this case.
In the spirit of what you're asking though, let's say you've been making a tile-based game where the player can move between discrete spaces like in chess, but you decide you'd rather have free movement like Mario. Your Position component uses integers instead of floating point values and you don't want to change your world's scaling. Here you have a few options:
0. You could just bite the bullet and change the types on the Position component to floats instead of ints, and let your type system guide you to any errors. Then you run your test suite again and make sure that everything is still behaving as expected. I'd also plan on creating several new tests based on analyzing existing uses of Position. And of course play your game again to make sure it feels right.
1. You can store the fractional position in a separate component, PositionFraction, and create/update systems as needed. Movement would need to be updated to look for (Position, PositionFraction, Velocity) and rendering would need to be updated to look for (Position, PositionFraction, Sprite). Meanwhile pathfinding could still just look for (Position, Goal).
2. You can create a second component that holds the full float value called PositionFine. Like above you update the systems that care about fine-grained positioning to use PositionFine instead of Position. Then you create a system to update Position based on PositionFine's value or vice versa, and log anytime there's a discrepancy. Once you're confident that you can drop Position, you replace every use with PositionFine. Rename afterward as desired.
If I'm changing the meaning of an existing component like this, #0 would be my strong choice, but if the game is already in production and the migration needs to go over super smoothly I'd consider #2 as well. In particular you can treat the existing logic as the source of truth, but run the new logic side-by-side and log out any variation between the two for analysis before flipping the switch and preferring the new logic.
However if the new data is purely additional and makes sense being split off from the existing data, then #1 is the solution to use. Think migrating from displaying usernames over players' heads to letting them choose a custom name. You still need the username for authentication, save games, friends lists, and the like. But a new component for the display name lets you reference that when it makes sense.