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The reason to use Black is the same as Prettier on the HTML/CSS/JS side: forever stop having an opinion on code style, it's wasted time and effort. Any "it's not exactly what we want" comment with an attempt to customize the style to be closer to "what we were already using" is exactly why these things exist: by all means have that opinion, but that's exactly the kind of opinion you shouldn't ever even need to have, tooling should style the code universally consistently "good enough". Which quotes to use, what indent to use, when to split args over multiple lines, it's all time wasted. Even if you worked on a project for 15 years, once you finally add autoformatting, buy in to it. It's going to give you a new code style, and you will never even actively have to follow it. You just need to be able to read it. Auto-formatting will do the rest.

Except Python is a general purpose programming language so it's hard to have 1 shoe fits all solution when style vary based on medium you're working with. Are you making an OOP GUI app? Django? Something that is using loads of long Xpaths?

I don't know if that applies. Ideally, a good code formatting tool would work with any project. If there is a specific flag you want to disable for some block to use your own format, then the tool should support that.

As a couple of examples, PHP has had a unified formatting standard since 2013 and Elixir has a formatter built into the language. Both languages need the formatter to be enabled by your IDE/CI and that's also the case for Black.

Python throws exceptions if you don’t have the right number of indents.

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