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Who is using 120 chars?!?!? I can certainly understand the adjustment difficulties...

Are 120 chars bad?

Maybe it's because I only have one eye and the resulting slightly reduced width of field, but wide lines drive me crazy. I need to see the whole line without scanning. This was one of python's original appeals to me...


I can see how that would make it hard for you. I hope your team is accommodating.

I'm like her in that I have eye issues and thus can't use screens that are too large (16" absolute maximum) and even there it needs to be with large font. I wish everyone had stayed with 80 chars so I could have two vertical emacs buffers, but I've sorta gotten used to these ugly wrap around lines.

I wish people just used more locals though. I don't see what the problem is and it makes Sentry errors easier to debug.

Having two vertical buffers/terminals side by side in a single screen is so useful!

God made the ASR-33 teletype with 80 columns for a reason.

200 chars FTW


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