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Ask HN: What was your Covid experience like?
3 points by FPGAhacker on Feb 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
I’m recovering from Covid. My experience was pretty tame compared to what I’ve heard of others. My primary symptoms were heavy fatigue, nasal congestion, and headache.

I did not experience loss of taste or smell. Also weirdly I did not have much of a fever, if any.

I’m vaccinated with Moderna.

I’m curious what others experienced.

54, not vaccinated, my gf got it and I tested positive shortly afterwards. It felt like a moderately bad cold: Sneezing and runny nose early on, then a persistent cough and wheezy lungs. No sore throat, no fever, no loss of taste, no headache to speak of.

If I hadn't heard of Covid, I wouldn't even have taken time off work.

I had a mild Covid infection in March, 2020. I then noticed I was short of breath afterwards. I had previously been working on my feet 8+ hours/day making gears. It's obvious now that it's Long Covid.

I went through every test I could get before my insurance ran out. All came back normal. Then I was laid off, as work had a massive slow-down, I wasn't the first laid off, nor the last.

I got the vaccine when it became available in April 2021, two doses. I was hoping I would recover at that point, but no such luck.

I am still suffering Long Covid after almost 2 years. I went to Home Depot for about an hour, and it wiped me out for the day.

Not sure if it would help you. But i would track this trial: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04997395

Based on this research: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abi6110

( Was discussed on HN before)

First time: severe headaches, severe chills (like ice cold in a 68℉ room), annoying gastrointestinal issues. Lasted 72 hours. Very early in the epidemic. Didn’t know to check SpO2 or temperature. Only diagnosed as Covid retrospectively when comparing symptoms I’d reported before we knew what Covid was.

Second time: approximately four months after first bout. Lost sense of smell for 48 hours. Winded walking up stairs or walking briskly. Temperature barely moved. Had “brain fog” for about three months.

Neither infection has been formally confirmed, by the time I took an antibody test over a year had passed from the first infection and close to eight months from the second.

Have since been vaccinated with Moderna, haven’t had any noticeable symptoms since.

My wife (pfizer) and kids (unvaccinated) had it, I never got it, and I kissed them all goodnight every night. All cases confirmed through pcr tests, I did multiple as well. Wife had a stuffy nose, kids had no symptoms.

Fever for 2 days. Head cold, chest congestion for a few more days. Affected sense of smell/taste for a few days then back to normal. Confirmed by home test. During Omicron timeframe. About the same symptoms, spans for the rest of the household with slight delay.

Mysterious illness early on (February 2019), high fever for about 6 hours, loss of taste and smell for about a month. Subsequent antibody test revealed I had original covid.

Oops, February 2020…

Vaccinated with Pfizer then Moderna ... Either I haven't got it yet or I didn't notice.

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