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Ask HN: What tech stack to use for my startup?
7 points by ViktorBash on Feb 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
I'm building a website that is run of the mill CRUD (and am considering adding a mobile app in the future). I have written the backend API in Django and the frontend in React. However, I realized too late that a core marketing part of my project is SEO: React won't cut it then. I'm considering rewriting the frontend in Next.js (to solve the issues with SEO), or just completely rewriting everything in Django. I've looked through a few past HN discussions about the state of web development, but I still can't decide which is better. Right now I'm leaning towards Next.js because it would be less work/time porting React to Next.js vs Django for the frontend; this would let me launch quicker, which is quite valuable.

Do I go with the shiny new thing, or tried and true framework? Also, what do you use as your tried and true tech stack for new projects?

You can move your existing front-end to a subdomain (e.g. app.startup.com) and then run your "marketing" (landing, pricing, blog, etc) pages through a separate stack.

Unpopular opinion but PHP/MySQL monolith, primarily server side rendering with client side enhancements, and you can have an MVC in weeks instead of months. When performance becomes a concern break off chunks into Go microservices. This is what we did and it's served us very well.

/s/MVC/MVP/ ... I should never comment on my phone.

This is what I sense from Django, while Next.js would be a little more "uncharted"

In 2022 this is the best strategy for a startup and you can still keep the react frontend

My react build scripts use https://github.com/stereobooster/react-snap to create static files which I deploy. Might be good enough for you. Otherwise I'd suggest moving the app to a different subdomain as someone else mentioned and having separate marketing pages. If you have a lot of dynamic content (ie user generated) that you want SEO'd, server side rendering is the most tried and tested.

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