It's not a moot point because you wanna debug stuff :)
If things are looking weird or wrong on your display then you need to go back to your internal values to inspect what's wrong. When the internal value covary with th display values then this makes life significantly easier
Not to mention things have a tendency to blow up when you start testing in the southern hemisphere haha
That said.. I don't personally use any magic plotting packages. I just generate my own graphics with svg. It's quite easy and everything is debuggable
If things are looking weird or wrong on your display then you need to go back to your internal values to inspect what's wrong. When the internal value covary with th display values then this makes life significantly easier
Not to mention things have a tendency to blow up when you start testing in the southern hemisphere haha
That said.. I don't personally use any magic plotting packages. I just generate my own graphics with svg. It's quite easy and everything is debuggable