It's all pretty simple. We manufacturer physical goods. Some high volume, some custom designs in an online designer with a 2 day turn around. It's all B2B.
This means various parts of our manufacturing process happen over different plants and different teams. Everyone needs to be in sync and working on the right thing. Most of the manufacturing is automated. Machine instructions are generated as orders come in. The emails send supervisors lists of what has to be worked on in that shift and department. Also they get checklists for QC, and packing instructions.
All data entry is done by scanning stickers that are generated with machine instructions and printed at manufacturing time. There is a little bit of extra info typed in for dispatch and off cut management.
It's all feed from an off the shelf ERP. Most would heavily customize the ERP. We simply hooked Jasper reports server to the db and built some custom reports. We do have some code feeding data back to the ERP.