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> testosterone attacks the spike protein causing inflammation and permanent microscopic scarring of tissue

I'm not an immunologist, but I am curious... even if this were true, how's getting covid and generating lots of the spike protein better than getting vaccinated and generating some of the spike protein?

Because almost everyone on Earth is guaranteed either A or B will happen within a year or two.

You know, if the science would allow research to be conducted, we might have a very good answer to that question. But as you can guess from my original post I side with the decisions the science has chosen to take. We can't let anyone question the validity of the vaccines as that would deter us from gathering people into a herd where they can be protected with proper herd immunity. Israel was able to reach a 90% vaccination rate and because of that herd immunity, most people who get covid there are the ones with the vaccines. Obviously the vaccines are doing something.

Its exactly as you have said, everyone is guaranteed either A or B which is why looking at alternative forms of treatments might as well be considered racism. The propositions of Freedom Truckers, Nazis, and Joe Rogans must be silenced. Horse dewormer is only effective against RNA viruses like zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome and has been safely and effectively used for decades on humans, therefore its considerations as an alternative treatment is a danger to the people who take them. Unlike horse dewormer, the vaccine poses no threat, especially like the ones shown in the videos created by these racist conspiracy theorists I posted links to.

Those links, by the way, are not on YouTube because they are verifiably misinformation. We need to be thankful of the organizations who want such harmful words abolished, because they are spending massive amounts of their own hard earned money to help news networks contain misinformation from spreading. They spend all that hard earned money because truly, they care about you. They care about your family. They care about your children. Our health industry is one of the most virtuous, most caring, most protective industries on the planet. They are profitable, not because they extort you for simple procedures, or because they mark up everything multiples of what they cost to produce, or because they hold onto patents like Martin Shkreli to make egregious amounts of money. They are profitable because they provide a genuine service that saves lives and keeps everyone supplied with the drugs, instead of choosing to practice preventative health. As they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And our health industry is dedicated to providing that cure.

When Dr Fauci became a doctor, he took a hippocratic oath to do the right thing for the patients he saw. We need to trust his judgement on the matter, because the only way he could have become the head of an organization like the NIAID is by being a virtuous all knowing man of science, and not a theatrical, political, power grabbing, venal liar who discredits anyone who disagrees with him. No one who gets to lead large organizations get there by playing power games. Speaking of people who disagree with Dr. Fauci, other doctors who disagree with him have clearly not taken the same hippocratic oath he did, which you can tell because they speak about science, medicine, and their patients very differently. If you wanted to ask questions instead of trusting in the science like I do, then go right on ahead. You can find any misinformation you want to confirm your theories, but I recommend you do what I did and get the vaccine. Like you said, you're guaranteed either A or B, so your better off doing things the way good obedient citizens of society do it, by submitting to his righteous authority and letting him jab you until your heart throbs for him.

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