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> To this day I have not seen a single study that controls for the obvious confounders. In particular, people who get vaccinated are likely "safer" in general. They most likely work out more, they most likely care about their health, they most like wear masks, and most likely listen to their doctor unquestioningly. ALL of these are confounders that MUST be controlled for in order for any study on booster efficacy to meet the bar of actual science, and not this pseudo-scientific idol worship we have right now.

Clinical trials give people a placebo. The efficacy is well established.

> Weird, just recently we were hearing long covid is unavoidable even with vaccination in some cases. This was never mentioned. Yet another ultra low quality "studies say" post written by a non-scientist.

Some study suggesting something does not imply consensus. There has never been a consensus that long covid is unrelated to disease severity.

> Indeed, despite my area being pretty well boosted we still had a massive peak in cases. Without a doubt the "journalists" spun it as a catastrophe that is the unvaccinated's fault. Well, if 80% of my location is vaccinated, do you think a positive rate of 38% can only be because the unvaccinated? I suppose if you listen to MSM like NY Times and the mouthpieces at the CDC you'd probably believe so.

Seems almost purposefully obstinate in how you try to refute a claim about metrics of hospitalizations and death with a fact about new cases.

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