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Former clerk rewrites SCOTUS contenders’ Wikipedia bios (politico.com)
33 points by qwertyuiop_ on Feb 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

No actual examples of the changes given in the bios.

I suppose I could go and look at the wikipedia change logs myself and verify if it is truly what the article said.

> I suppose I could go and look at the wikipedia change logs


I’ve noticed this on many politician’s pages recently. Didn’t suspect past employees/clerks to be the suspects

I'm impressed, adept at law and low-level hardware/boot patterns? What a varied skillet.

At first I thought this was about Basic Input Output Systems. It's about wiki biographies.

Yes, the capitalizer got it wrong. Fixed now!

As an Indian (who is self made and not because of his color) I hated it when that Indian ceo who faked to be from YouTube got away. I know wokes think all people of color need to be given crutches so they can respect their nice-acting masters but I do hope that she (and her clerk) have to pay for this.

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