Might the timezone have a significant influence on the poll outcome, like during which hours of the day per place it is at #1? (How many polls would we need at different times of day to see what the effect of that is, just two?) Alternatively we could plan this, pin it at #5 for 24/48 hours on working days AoE, and then lock voting or something.
Or someone pulls up access logs, since I frankly doubt that it's a sizable percentage of users that use a VPN compared to the error bars of this poll. Countries with low English rates might just participate less, thus have fewer accounts, thus fewer people bother logging in or creating an account for this poll...
Or someone pulls up access logs, since I frankly doubt that it's a sizable percentage of users that use a VPN compared to the error bars of this poll. Countries with low English rates might just participate less, thus have fewer accounts, thus fewer people bother logging in or creating an account for this poll...