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Thanks for letting me know, is this in the web version? If so, what browser? I tried Chrome and Firefox and I don't see this issue. I use a plugin to make sites dark ("Dark Reader") and it seems to work for my web calculator in Firefox.

Or is it Android? On my phone 1/sqrt(2) looks fine in "dark" and "very dark". If it doesn't for you, could you tell me what type of phone you have? I put some contact info in the "about" section of the app if you'd rather respond privately.

For dark mode on Android I just set the color and background-color attributes of the HTML display elements. (I didn't actually fully implement dark mode in the HTML version, though there are some commented out CSS files). But it's possible that something else is needed to work with MathJax in some cases.

Chrome on Android, web version, the phone is set to dark mode, the browser inherits it. Pixel 5.

Thanks a lot! I see now, I am able to reproduce the issue if I go into chrome://flags, search for "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents", and select "Enabled with simple HSL-based inversion". Just choosing "Enabled" seemed to break the LaTeX entirely. (Please let me know if that isn't roughly what you did)

I don't know how I'll fix this (I've never really debugged mobile web specific stuff before), but I'll look into it this weekend.

There must be a way to fix it, since I don't see the issue when going to https://www.mathjax.org/#demo and entering something like this: $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$$

EDIT: I actually have no idea why this would be happening, unless there is some sort of metadata that I should be providing on the page to tell chrome how to enable dark mode on my content. I don't think I'm messing with the styling on the web version at all.

Hm I have dark mode enabled on the phone and then the chrome flag is just on default. How could I check which of the implementations this will select?

This is chrome 97.0.4692.98

I'd also think we move this from HN to some issue tracker?


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