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“Independence. Prime Time” [pdf] (gov.ua)
1 point by app4soft on Jan 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

On January 26, 2022 Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance ("UINP"), a central executive body operating under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, presented[0,1] photo album dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

> “Independence. Prime Time” — a unique photo album to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

> On the pages of the publication of 30 years of independence are shown through the lens of photo respondents "Ukrinform". Photo archives of the agency are the largest in the country, it has more than half a million photo, so there is the most complete photography of our latest statehood. Most pictures are published in the album for the first time.

> The photo album is issued immediately in Ukrainian and English.

Printed 1000 copies freely distributed on request to schools, universities and public organizations as part of promotion of Ukraine.

Digital version in form of PDF-file (~ 26 Mb) freely available on UINP's site for everyone.[2,pdf]

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAtj4oLvdW0

[1] https://uinp.gov.ua/public/uk/pres-centr/novyny/u-kyyevi-pre...

[2] https://uinp.gov.ua/uk/elektronni-vydannya/nezalezhnist-nayk...

[pdf] https://uinp.gov.ua/elektronni-vydannya/nezalezhnist-naykras...

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