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Modern Robotics adopts the Product of Exponentials (PoE) mathematical approach (also known as screw-theoretic) over Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) for forward kinematics . Do robotics companies use PoE in their written software or is D-H still the practical choice?

I work for Viam[0] and while all of our actual calculations are made using Spatial Vector Algebra[1], inputs can be made in a number of different ways and supporting DH is crucial for allowing pre-existing configurations to be easily brought over to our platform. SVA can also conveniently be easily used for both kinematics and dynamics.

Personally I find SVA way more intuitive than DH or PoE.

[0] https://www.viam.com/

[1] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4899-7560-7_...

Thanks for the reference to SVA. I found a pretty understandable set of intro slides [0] on Roy Featherstone's home page [1] under the Teaching Material section.

[0] zip file: http://royfeatherstone.org/teaching/IntroSpVec2021.zip

[1] http://royfeatherstone.org/

BTW, we use Featherstone algos too (ABA, RNEA, CRBA etc) but use URDF to describe our robots.

Id say by leaps and bounds DH

software in companies needs to be as easy to explain as possible to the widest audience.

very few people have a firm understanding of exponential maps

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