> JPM's investment site, as far as I can see, cannot even repeat-purchase an ETF
Do you mean automatic deposits and investments? That's table stakes. They offer it. They aren't advertising it because fire-and-forget is 99% of the pitch of the wealth management industry. (That they're messaging it badly is in no way challenged.)
With respect to smaller dollar amounts, the traditional answer was mutual funds. Those usually have $1 minimums. They were historically shit when it came to fees, but now typically come in below 50 bps for broad-market funds.
Do you mean automatic deposits and investments? That's table stakes. They offer it. They aren't advertising it because fire-and-forget is 99% of the pitch of the wealth management industry. (That they're messaging it badly is in no way challenged.)
With respect to smaller dollar amounts, the traditional answer was mutual funds. Those usually have $1 minimums. They were historically shit when it came to fees, but now typically come in below 50 bps for broad-market funds.