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The stablecoin and the core blockchain tech are totally different things. 0L is using the blockchain tech (move language, the Rust BFT implementation, etc), and has no stablecoin -- its currency is like any other decentralized blockchain base currency.

> its currency is like any other decentralized blockchain base currency.

You did not answer the question of what is it good for. What thing is it doing that makes it important/interesting/useful/valuable?

Sorry, the gist of the question I thought was "is this not useful, _because_ it is based on a stablecoin?". I answered that question.

If you're asking what in general the Diem code, used in the 0L project, is useful for : 1. well it's technically a BFT blockchain, like Tendermint. That tech is potentially useful because it can provide a decentralized ledger like a PoW blockchain, but with significantly higher throughput and significantly lower energy use. It's arguably more advanced than Tendermint because it's written in Rust and has a native smart contract VM (move language). and perhaps 2. it's a collaborative project -- there's no sponsoring company or foundation or fund raising with a token and what not. This is attractive to some for various reasons. Bitcoin had that property and some people are interested in blockchains with new tech that share that organizational aspect.

Let me know if that doesn't adequately answer the question.

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