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I have a slightly parallel hypothesis as to why companies are paying fortunes as AWS and Azure bills.

I call it Kubernetes Driven DevOps. While kubernetes is a really great solution to a wide range of problems, often those problems are only faced by large companies with massive scale.

But what is really happening in the industry is that, the new age DevOps engineers start their learning with containers and kubernetes as the base truth - and then are hired based on their experience around that ecosystem.

This inadvertantly leads to an industry full of kubernetes experts who nail every service with k8s hammer and then drive insane amount of cloud infra bills.

I miss the old era cloud where the offerings and the ecosystem were friendly to indie devs as much as they were for BigCorps.

Here's a tweet thread where I outline WASM as a potential bet against this kubernetes inflated devops culture - https://twitter.com/vettijoe/status/1484507483788161026?s=21

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