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How can you order a valid national ID online and receive it in the mail, while making sure that someone who's not you can't do the same pretending to be you?

You can't, the information above is either deliberately or unintentionally misleading.

Yes, you can order an ID card online. But part of this "order" process is to make an appointment to visit a government office where your photo, signature and fingerprints will be taken.

Right, so you don't just want national ID laws like other countries, you want significantly more restrictive ones.

Perhaps, instead of asking

> How can you order a valid national ID online and receive it in the mail, while making sure that someone who's not you can't do the same pretending to be you?

Ask "If many US states, and many, to quote GP 'more civilized' countries don't use such restrictive voter ID laws, but still have essentially no voter fraud, what is the point of such restrictions?"

Let me try my question again: if Switzerland really makes it as easy to get an ID card as you claim they do, then why don't they have a rampant identity theft problem, even for things unrelated to voting?

I'll reply with a question: why would they? What does having an ID card (that notably isn't a passport so doesn't allow you to travel) get you? People don't commit crimes for fun, they usually have some goal in mind. How does someone profit from having a national ID with someone else's name on it?

Like, jumping back to the US for a moment, if I handed you my driver's license and we changed the photo and description on it so that it matched my own, what could you do with that? You don't have, and can't get my SSID with that, so you can't cause financial harm to me. You could buy alcohol I guess if you were underage, but there's just not a whole lot you can do.

The same applies to the crime of voter impersonation in general. If, like, we decriminalized it entirely, I don't really expect the rate would be that high, because there's just...really no value to voting two or three times. It's not going to change anything unless lots of people do it, in which case you'd need to assume that all the people doing it are voting in the same way which is unlikely. Right like you can barely convince people that their one vote matters. Do you really think going through more than 2x the effort to vote again is going to appeal to many people?

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