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This does not seem like a difficult problem to solve, compared to the actual engineering, production, and scaling challenges.

The problem would require turning the entire global IP & supporting legal systems on their head. WTO, nation-specific laws, etc.

Technology seems to move a lot faster than paradigm shifts in government.

This is like saying that, if you want to use a particular prohibited plant or compound, you need to first end drug prohibition and the worldwide system of cartel profiteering.

While it is most certainly a good idea to do that, you don't need to wait until the process is complete to include these items in your diet.

Then we're talking about different things, because I was thinking in terms of mass market adoption. A few instances of gray market or IP "theft" here and there isn't going to cause much of a stir. But if Samsung/Apple/other companies want to make a large scale retail offering then it won't work under the current global network of IP protection. As a result, these same companies with the biggest budgets to make progress in research won't devote those budgets to IP they don't own or can't license at a profitable fee.

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