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Whole Mars Catalog: Why Dan O’Dowd Has Blood on His Hands (wholemars.net)
1 point by henrikschroder on Jan 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Some guy took out a full-page ad in the NYT to argue against allowing Tesla to beta-test their FSD software among the general public.

Tesla doesn't have an official PR department, so instead they're relying on random idiots on Twitter to defend them. One of their most prominent defenders posted this piece, which is clearly crafted by corporate PR.

It also contains a brutal amount of hilarious self-owning statements, for example this one:

> The important thing to understand is that these are driver assistance systems, not self-driving cars! The name of the Full Self-Driving package may confuse some people who aren’t familiar with it, but it is just a driver assistance system not unlike a much more advanced version of cruise control.


> This is a multi-million dollar campaign focused squarely on taking away life-saving technology from people who depend on it

Who is relying on FSD as life-saving technology?

The next sentence is even better:

> The development of this technology, which is included free on every car, is funded by people who chose to buy Tesla’s FSD package.

That's right, every person who got scammed into buying vapourware FSD is actually a hero! They're giving up their money so that a good company like sweet little altruistic Tesla can afford to develop this life-saving technology and give it out for free to everyone!

Never mind that every other car manufacturer has safety systems that are as good, if not better, than Tesla's.

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