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MI5 warning over 'Chinese agent' in Parliament (bbc.co.uk)
14 points by RansomStark on Jan 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This is gravely concerning, and makes me wonder if China and Russia are covertly coordinating behind the scenes to intentionally destabilize the US/UK trans-Atlantic alliance. We’re dealing with people, especially in China’s case, who are used to thinking in terms of generations, being patient and focused enough to see things through in such timelines. And with the obvious similar goals of each (authoritarianism, human rights = lol, total information control, etc.) with respect to their apparent global expansionist aspirations, it would make a lot of sense to play covert offensive one on one, especially with the opponent each knows best (history: UK/China, US/USSR).

The only reason they do this is because as it stands now, the multinational alliances among the free nations of the world would very likely emerge victorious from such a war (eventually), though the body count would dwarf our worst nightmares. But if you break up that alliance, if you have each major anchor in that brotherhood so busy jumping at shadows and tearing themselves apart over disinformation that they can’t field a full commitment to victory, well you’ve practically won already.

I hate the idea of war with either of those countries, let alone both. But this just keeps escalating and we seem to be too scared to do anything about it. If we don’t act soon, and with strong enough force to literally put the fear of God in them, I’m very concerned that we’ll have lost any chance for eventual victory completely.

The liberty of generations yet to be rests upon the strength of our convictions. How much further are we going to let them push us before we push back?

Ironic 'crocodile tears' coming from MI5, when Britain has destabilised countries all over the world for over 400 years. (since the 1600s or thereabouts).

"One law for me, another law for thee."

The UK doesn't handle protestors with tanks, nor are they amassing a one hundred-thousand man army to invade a neighboring country.

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