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> * ~~Force~~ Encourage people to have github accounts

I switched from git:// to https:// and it worked fine. I didn't need to authenticate. So there's no forcing to have accounts going on here at all, as far as I can see.

> I didn't need to authenticate. So there's no forcing to have accounts going on here at all, as far as I can see.

Not yet. That's the whole point.

It's past the time to move to distributed wikis and issues trackers (perhaps even a Git-based one, like bugs everywhere) so migration will be easier when Microsoft stops baiting and starts switching.

So you’re criticizing them for a sequence of events that exists only in your imagination?

And what do you believe needs to happen for MS to switch into “switch” mode? This change isn’t making people more dependent on GH, the number of accounts is probably growing slower than in the past because almost everyone has an account… What’s the piece missing for them to turn to the dark side?

I think I’ll wait.

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